A few days ago a video surfaced around social media of a Mentally Challenged 26 Year old man getting Brutally Attacked by a group of teens in Delaware, Police says the man suffers from a neurodevelopmental disorder.
The video shows more then 2 teens bullying and assaulting the victim, First one of the few boys slams him to the ground ,kicking then punching him in the face numerous of times.
A 16-year-old girl named Angeliz Marrero saw the videos online, and reposted them to her Instagram account with the hashtag #TheBullyProject #Justiceforcoran in order to shame the teens involved.
The second video of the incident, appeared to take place in a wooded area, shows several teens laughing, and one female voice saying, “You guys are so mean to him.”
Two boys, ages 13 and 14, were arrested Saturday and charged with offensive touching, assault on a vulnerable adult and third-degree conspiracy, said Officer First Class Tracey Duffy of the New Castle County police. Each was released on $2,500 unsecured bail. The 13-year-old lives in Ogletown and the other boy in Brookside Park east of Newark.
Late Monday, a 14-year-old Newark boy was charged with the same crimes and released on $3,200 unsecured bail, police said. Authorities could not say if there would be additional arrests, but the investigation is continuing.
The first two teens were arrested after they and their parents went to police headquarters Saturday to complain about threats they were receiving on social media. That is when police first learned of the video.
“Individuals were contacting them, and friends of theirs were telling them individuals were making statements online about them,” Andrews said.
While not common, Andrews said he is aware of cases where the public turns on people who have posted questionable videos.
“It’s almost like a street justice kind of a thing,” he said. “It’s something I have seen in the past, but it’s not the usual kind of a case.”
Andrews said officers are trying to identify others in the video. Parents of the first two teens who were charged have been cooperating with police, he said.
“Obviously they know what was going on when they brought this in here,” Andrews said.
Officers believe the videos are several weeks old, Duffy said. She said the victim was treated for injuries from the attack and released.
The victim’s godmother told The Associated Press the man had to be assured he wasn’t to blame for what happened.
“He thought he was in trouble,” the 51-year-old woman said Monday. “I told him he wasn’t in trouble, it wasn’t his fault.”
When she asked her godson why he hadn’t told anyone about the bullying, he replied: “I was embarrassed.” She then told him he was not in trouble.