A brawl broke out on Saturday at Saltgrass Steak House restaurant in Little Rock Saturday night.
According to sources the fight started over an argument about social distancing.
According to the police report obtained by police says an employee at the Steak House saw the woman wearing the mask confront two others over sitting too close. The employee also says that the same woman was purposely coughing on other customers.
Both the report and witnesses indicate the man wearing the U-S-A shirt got even closer, further escalating the situation.
The county prosecutor says nobody in the video has filed any charges.
According to a @LRpolice report, an employee saw the man sit several seats away from the woman in the mask & her boyfriend. Employee says when she told him he was sitting too close, he got even closer.
Employee also reports seeing the woman in mask purposely cough towards others https://t.co/6xSK5H6MBW— Hunter Hoagland (@HunterHoagland) June 29, 2020