Greater Rochester International Airport security worker was fired after passing a mean Note to a traveler while he was passing through the security check point.
The note that said “you ugly” was passed of to Neal Strassner as he went through a security checkpoint in June.
The security guard handed him a torn piece of paper with those words scrawled on it.
Strassner said he only recently obtained a copy of security footage from that day through the Freedom of Information Act.
Via nbcnews
“I was more confused than anything,” Strassner said. “I kind of just looked at it and thought, ‘That was weird.'”
Strassner, who lives in Rochester and travels weekly in his role as a technical coordinator, said he was on his way to Wichita for a work trip the morning of the incident. He said he called the airport that afternoon to file a complaint and was advised to stop in with security when he returned later that week.
When he met with a supervisor at the airport, Strassner said he got the impression the supervisor didn’t believe him.