An Asian student was badly beaten and left with multiple fractures to his face after a racist assault in London by a man shouting, “I don’t want your coronavirus in my country!”
23 Year Old Jonathan Mok, who is a student from Singapore said he was beaten on Oxford Streets by a group of three or four people on February 24th.
The assault began when Jonathan turned to face the group after hearing them make a comment about the virus.
One man said: ‘Don’t you dare look at me’ before swinging. Writing about the attack on Facebook, Mok said: ‘All of a sudden, the first punch was swung at my face and took me by surprise. When I was still shocked by the first hit, the guy delivered another sucker punch.
The assailant was in a group of three or four other men and one woman. They all ran off before officers arrived.
“I’m glad that this issue has sparked a debate about racism,” he posted on Facebook on March 2.
“Talk to someone about racism,” he wrote. “Discuss how racism might arise in your society and how we can tackle such a senseless issue. I hope we can move forward to be better people for the future!”