A lady made it her business to call the police on a black male as he babysat two white children.
Corey Lewis went live on Facebook when the woman first stopped him in the parking lot of a Cobb county Walmart and asked him if the children were okay.
He said she then came back and asked if she could speak with them.
Lewis said no and that’s when the police were called.
He said the woman continued to follow him.
After leaving the gas station, she moved closer and waited there,” said Lewis.
Lewis said the woman followed him all the way home. Then a Cobb County police officer showed up.
The officer questioned the 10-year-old and the 6-year-old before calling their parents.
David Parker and Dana Mango were in disbelief.
“I said are you saying that because there’s an African American male driving my two white kids, that he was stopped and pulled over and questioned and he said I’m sorry ma’am that’s exactly what I’m saying,” Mango told CBS46.
The East Cobb couple arranged for Lewis to babysit their children weeks ago.
Their son attends his youth mentor program called ‘Inspired by Lewis’.
The parents believe Lewis was stalked, harassed and questioned by police.
“B-W-B which I guess is the new thing, babysitting while black,” said Parker.
Parker and Mango said they don’t believe that the woman was trying to protect their children because they never showed any signs of being in danger.