Chicago 82 shot, 14 dead over 4th of July weekend (Totally Crazy).

More Than 70 Shot, 9 Dead in Chicago’s 4th of July Weekend
City calls on Mayor Rahm Emanuel to put a end to gun violence in Chicago, this makes no sense 82 people were shot and 14 were killed

and the number of dead can rise because some people are in  critical conditionReportedly 5 people were shot by Chicago police, including 2 who died.

Speaking to an audience at the Miles Davis Magnet Academy on the city’s South Side, Emanuel called for better policing, better education, stronger gun laws and “building a sense of community” to address the city’s gun violence.

chicago shooting
Chicago has become the poster child for urban violence, fueled by gangs and involving drive-by shootings or attacks from cars on other vehicles. People of all ages have been shot on streets and in some cases while sitting on their porches. The weekend carnage is the greatest spate of gun violence so far this year, the Chicago Tribune reported.

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In the most recent fatal shooting, an unidentified 44-year-old woman was shot at a barbecue around 12:30 a.m. Monday in the city’s Morgan Park neighborhood, according to the station. She was shot as she leaned into a car in a parking lot and was pronounced dead at the scene.chicago

“The city of Chicago does not have a problem of too few guns,”  Emanuel noted in May. “There are way too many guns from shops in Cook County and from neighboring states that come into the city of Chicago. On any given weekend, our police officers take more guns off the streets than either New York or L.A.
