39-year-old Robert Audette Jr. was arrested for throwing chicken wings at his wife during an argument police say.
Darlene’s daughter told a 911 operator that the couple, who have been married 3 years was fighting. Cops were summoned to the Myakka City home Arthur shares with his wife Darlene.
Police said when they responded to the home Audette’s wife who was was holding a baby was asked to be taken somewhere safe, she then told officers that she and Audette was out parting and returned home when an argument broke out over Audette’s “lover.”
She claimed her husband wanted to go out and meet the other woman. Audette admitted he had received a text from another woman, but claimed she contacted him and ordered him to make his wife stop texting her. Audette said his wife was “jealous.”
The victim said, “the defendant threw the wings at her, with some hitting her on her shoulder and under her chin,” the report stated.
Officers at the scene said they saw chicken wing sauce on the victim’s chin, neck and shoulder.
The victim said she ran to the bathroom while holding her baby trying to escape.
“When the victim didn’t open the door, the defendant is heard yelling, ‘I’m about to beat your f++ing ++s’ and began violently banging on the door which could be clearly heard on the audio recording,” the affidavit said.
During questioning, officers said that Robert admitted getting mad and throwing the wings, but that he did not intend to hit the victim.
He was booked at the Sumter County Detention Center where he was initially held without bond.