According to Hiphopoverload they got their hands on a leaked video from Nassau County Jail of Nicki Minaj’s brother Jelani Maraj catching a beat down by rival gang members.
Sources say that a gang got word that Minaj’s brother was on his way to population and they was waiting for Jelani.
Nicki’s brother was found guilty last year of predatory sexual assault on a child younger than 13 years old.
Maraj was tried in Nassau County, New York. Jurors convicted him of endangering the welfare of a child and predatory sexual assault on a child.
Maraj was first arrested in connection with the case in early December 2015. He faces 25 years to life behind bars .
Child Molester are frowned upon in Prison those who are charged with that are feed to sharks in jail. In the video you see a mobb of gang members beating down Nicki’s brother.
Check the video below