A Newark NJ man was in shock on Monday night when he came home from work and found his wife and her lover dead — who he identified as a mechanic, according to law enforcement sources.
Kahali Johnson found his wife, Tamika Hargrave, 41, and a his mechanic dead in their garage from apparent carbon monoxide poisoning.
Johnson said he smelled a strong odor of gas in his apartment, and an alarm went off. When he went to investigate the smell, which to him smelled of automobile exhaust, he discovered the running vehicle and the victims.
“As I tried to step to open the last garage door, I see the mechanic, he’s laid out,” Johnson said. “She’s just a few feet away; she’s laid out. And pretty much I had to call 911, because at this time, with that level of emissions, I knew that they were gone.”
The husband believes that the man was trying to fix the vehicle. Law enforcement sources believe that his wife was paying the mechanic for his services with sex. Sources also suggest that the wife and mechanic were inside the car while having sex.
“Basically she died because of carbon monoxide. “They do not have adequate alarm systems, because if there had been an alarm in that garage, people would have been alerted to the fact that it was going on.”