A St. Louis teacher with HIV is accused of molesting a student and trying to hire a hitman to kill the child 3 years later and his family makes an appearance in court.
Deonte Taylor, 36, and his accomplice and boyfriend Michael Johnson, 66 pleaded not guilty Wednesday afternoon to a multiple charges.
Taylor allegedly took the student out of class and molested him.
Three years later, police said the teacher tried to hire a hit man to kill the child and his family.
Police said while Taylor was working as a teachers aide at Lusher Elementary in 2015, he molested a 7-year-old student.
Charges weren’t filed and Taylor went on to get other teaching jobs. He finally landed in the Ferguson-Florissant School District at Walnut Grove Elementary school, where he taught fifth grade.
We questioned the district about its vetting process.
“Mr. Taylor went through the same process that all of our teaching candidates go through. Everyone goes through a criminal background check, sexual abuse registry background check and there was nothing that showed up on that,” said Kevin Hampton, district spokesperson for the Ferguson-Florissant School District.
Taylor was arrested in November of 2018 after his DNA was found to be a match to samples found on his former student.
But months later, while behind bars awaiting trial, police said Taylor and Johnson tried to hire a hitman to kill the child and his family.