Back in 2018 Prince told rapper 6ix9ine he wasn’t allowed to come to a performance because his son and his entourage didn’t want him there.
He called Takashi 69 a clown and said that’s why my sons didn’t allow him to come into their party. “It was never about a rat checking in with us.”
Now that 69 is behind bars the FEDS released exclusive footage 6ix9ine shot from a car parked outside of the building obtained by Vlad TV.
The footage shown in court shot by 6ix9ine shows the Nine Trey Bloods robbing Rap-A-Lot reps for stopping Tekashi from performing at their show.
Tkashi testified in court that he and the Nine Treys wanted to get revenge after hearing that J. Prince was headed to NYC. They decided to rob Rap-A-Lot reps in the lobby of a building, and the surveillance footage was shown in court. A video that Tekashi filmed of the incident was also shown.