SAN FRANCISCO – A black female at San Francisco State University and employee was caught on video harassing a white male student over his dreadlocks, before attacking the camera man.
“You’re saying I can’t have a hair style because of your culture?” the white student said. “Why?”
“Because it’s my culture,” the black student replied.
The white student wasn’t buying it.
“Do you know that it was in Egyptian culture? Are you Egyptian? Naw, bra, you’re not,” he said.
A student who appears to be a friend of the black student piped in: “Are you Egyptian?”
“Are you Egyptian?” the black female echoed.
“No, but it doesn’t matter,” the white student shot back before attempting to walk away.
His black classmate wouldn’t relent.
“Wait, where’s Egypt? Tell me?” she said.
“You know what girl, you have no right to tell me what I cannot wear,” the white student said, repeatedly trying to sidestep his accoster as she physically restrained him from leaving up a stairwell.
“Where’s Egypt?” she insisted. “Where’s Egypt?”
She grabbed his arm in a brief scuffle to get away.
“Yo, girl, stop touching me right now,” the white student insisted.
“Yo, girl, stop touching me right now,” the black girl mocked.
She grabbed his sleeve as he went up the stairs.
“Get off of me!” he demanded.
“Come back, come back, come back,” the black girl continued, pulling him back down the stairs.
“You put your hands on me,” the black girl said. “Do not put your hands on me.”
The white student ripped his hand away from the girl’s grasp.
“You’re going to start some shit because of what hair I have?” he said. “That’s no reason, yo. I don’t need your disrespect.”
“I don’t need your disrespect,” he said as he left up the stairs past a student filming the exchange.
“Why are you filming this,” the black girl asked.
“For everyone’s safety,” the cameraman replied as the black girl grabbed at the camera and the video cut out.