Video captures a violent fist fight between a while male and a black woman on a freeway in Houston after the female allegedly cut him off’ in traffic.
On Thursday a 20-year-old woman claims the man followed her and punched her in the face once she stopped at a light.
Analisse Quintana, who is Latina said that the man stalked her vehicle around 5 pm after she accidentally cut him off in traffic in the Cypress area of the city.
Two bystanders called the police after seeing Quintana exiting her car and swinging at the man before the fist fight escalates.
Quintana says when he punched her, she got out and the fistfight began in the middle of the road.
Video shows punches being thrown. It then shows her walking back to her car as the pickup takes off.
“You get upset…okay great…but to physically assault, especially a grown man to assault a woman, I just haven’t really grasped the concept,” said Quintana.
She was on her way to her mom’s house when it all happened.
Quintana is left with scratches on her arm and glass on her toe.”
Harris County Sheriff’s deputies say they are looking for the man involved in the road rage incident. He’s a blonde man about six feet tall in a gray Ford pickup. Quintana said he also had a small child riding with him in the truck. If you know who he is, call the sheriff’s office.