Family cellphone video shows Hammond police officers breaking the car window and using taser, police officer in Illinois was filmed smashing through a car window, tasering and yanking out a passenger after he refused to show ID during a routine traffic stop.
“I said ‘oh my God, he’s pulling me over like I robbed a bank,’” Mahone told reporters while describing the incident, adding “The whole situation was just crazy.”
“I gave him my license and insurance. I also let him know at the beginning to please hurry up because my mom is about to die,” Mahone is heard saying in the video to a 9/11 operator she had called.
When the cops demanded ID from Jones, he initially refused, but following more insistence from the cops, reached for a bag in an attempt to find ID and a ticket that he had recently been issued by police. This action promoted the police to draw weapons on the family.
“I don’t know you and I don’t know what you’re going to do,” an officer said to Jones. He responded, “That’s why I have my windows up. I’m not no harm to you right now. I got my kids in the car and you’re drawing your weapon.”
“I am scared. And the man–pulled a gun out. A gun! Why do my kids have to see that,” Mahone told 911.
“So once the kids were scared, I wasn’t gonna get out of the car and leave my kids in the car. He was being so aggressive.” Jones explained.